NAKAMURA GEAR & MACHINERY CORPORATION company_imformation corporate_principles production quality assurance activities recruit
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 TOP > Management philosophy > Organization

Management philosophy
Message from the president
Management philosophyQuality plicy,Environmental policy



To create an efficient management system and effective organizaional system we aim to make the divisions within the corporation clear.

Manufacturing division
  We produce large quantities of gears using automated production lines, NC machines and a two-shift system. In order to produce gears consistently and efficiently out of materials we base our lines on the One-piece Flow and Autonomation concepts of the Toyota Production System.
"Autonomation" is addition of an element of human intelligence to automated machinery.
Manufacturing division
Production line
Manufacturing technology division
  Production preparations such as manufacturing process design, equipment evaluation and workflow sequences are carried out in this division. Moreover, we design and produce conveyor equipment, work stock devices and special machines that support the automated lines. These original in-house machines enable us to reduce equipment costs while increasing product quality at a competitive price.
Manufacturing technology division
Technical review
Quality assurance division
  By making the most of our technical know-how that we have developed through our experience and achievements as a specialist in the industry, we strive to develop effective and efficient testing and measuring systems and to design or invest in quality measuring tools for dealing with high quality gears. We also evaluate prototypes and pre-launch products and also design cutters in this division.
Quality assurance division
Gear inspection & measurement room
Production management division
  In the Product Management division we improve production line productivity and composition to satisfy customer's long-run demands and to maintain an efficient production system. We also provide packaging know-how and suitable production scheduling to contribute to the quality of our delivery services.
Production management division
First-in-first-out store
Sales & General affairs division
  This division has various functions but main activities include sales, estimates, accepting orders and purchase of materials for use in production. It is also responsible for finance, personnel, education and data processing.
Sales & General affairs division
IT office in head quarter
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