Contact us

the contact information for our company.

Inquiries about products and quotationsEmployment Inquiries

Inquiries to the head office

Phone / 0564-56-3511
FAX / 0564-56-3513
Inquiry Category Section
Transactions and Procurement Operations Department Operations G Sales Representative
Response to increase in capacity, general logistics Production Control Department Planning G
Production Preparation (Equipment) Production Control Department, Equipment G
Quality Assurance Production Control Department , Quality AssuranceG
Trial production Production Control Department , Gear Technology G , Prototype T

Inquiry to each factory

Kota factory

Phone / 0564-56-3511
FAX / 0564-56-3513

Inquiry Category Section
Delivery date confirmation Production Control Department , Engineering G
Quality Check Manufacturing Department, Manufacturing Control Group

Otowa factory

Phone / 0533-88-2100
FAX / 0533-88-2261

Inquiry Category Section
Delivery date confirmation Production Control Department , Engineering G
Quality Check Manufacturing Department, Manufacturing Control Group

Nishio factory

Phone / 0563-34-2020
FAX / 0563-34-2002

Inquiry Category Section
Delivery date confirmation Production Control Department , Engineering G
Quality Check Manufacturing Department, Manufacturing Control Group

Sumi factory

Phone / 0564-62-9300
FAX / 0564-62-9301

Inquiry Category Section
Delivery date confirmation Production Control Department , Engineering G
Quality Check Manufacturing Department, Manufacturing Control Group

Gamagori factory

Phone / 0533-68-7248
FAX / 0533-67-1873

Inquiry Category Section
Delivery date confirmation Please call Koda Factory to confirm delivery date
Quality Check Quality check to Koda Factory

(Note) 1. For night shift (20:00 to 5:00), please inquire with the night shift supervisor of each factory.
(Note) 2. E-mails to the factory will be sent through the head office.